Minneapolis Alcoholic Rehabilitation at Club Recovery

Many people today struggle with substance dependency, from caffeine to heroin and everything in between. Everyone has their own personal chemical resistance and ability to cope with the effects of physical dependency. We’ve all seen someone who simply cannot quit it with the refined sugar, while others start and stop diets at will without apparent consequences.

The trouble with alcohol is that unlike preservatives and laboratory drugs, humans have had alcohol for as long as we’ve had civilization. From sipping fermented fruits to secluded monk orders dedicated to brewing beer. The human belly loves yeast and sugar, thus the desire to have a beer is very much like the desire to have a doughnut. The key to recovery is to understand your cravings and commit to a recovery program.

Club Recovery is a Minneapolis outpatient addiction treatment center and creates a completely supportive program for recovering alcoholics.

Preparing for Recovery

By wanting to recover, you have already made the first step. When you become addicted to alcohol, your body goes through predictable alcohol seeking and acting out behaviors. It can be hard at first to understand how to handle the physical addiction, but with counseling and support you will soon be able to stop drinking and take control of your life. The beginning of your recovery is an important stage for success, therefore Club Recovery emphasizes prompt service, allowing you to start your treatment immediately.

Gain Control Over the Addiction

Because alcohol is so closely connected to other things your body craves, most people never completely shake the desire to drink. Many people have more profound alcohol cravings for medical reasons relating to how their bodies process it and how their brains respond. People with genetic alcoholism or fetal alcohol syndrome are especially susceptible. Most people, genetically predisposed or otherwise, have unsolved personal and emotional problems that either caused or were caused by the alcoholism. Unlike a 12 step program, Club Recovery works through group and individual therapy sessions with our licensed counselors. This way, your recovery path will be personally shaped around the needs of your life and goals for the future. Your family and close friends also have a place at Club Recovery with family counseling sessions, so you can learn together how to be happy and sober.

Convenient Outpatient Treatment

Club Recovery is there when you need it, and not when you don’t. Outpatient recovery is the ideal solution for people who have lives to hold down while they conquer their alcohol cravings. The counselors are available at any daylight time and during non-working hours like nights and Saturdays so as to cause minimum disruption to your daily life. The Club Recovery method involves a combination of individual, family, and group sessions in our Minneapolis center, and you are free to choose from gender-separated or mixed therapy groups based on your comfort level. All treatment plans are personal and designed by counselors with years of experience helping thousands of people suffering from addiction. With guidance and support, you will quickly be on the path to complete alcoholic rehabilitation.

If you or a loved one is suffering from alcoholism, don’t wait for ‘rock bottom’ to suggest recovery. Complete rehabilitation can happen without a big life interruption with personalized counseling and outpatient treatment. Alcohol addiction is a physical disease and it doesn’t have to control your life. Start your path to rehabilitation by taking control and entering treatment. Call Club Recovery today at (952) 926 – 2526 or contact us and we’ll schedule you for an assessment in 24 hours or less. We’ve helped thousands of other people overcome addiction, and now you can join them.

Disclaimer: All content on this website is for informational purposes only. It does not substitute for clinical treatment or advice. If you, a friend, or a family member is struggling with mental health and/or addiction issues please call our main office at 952-926-2526. For emergencies, go to your nearest emergency room and/or dial 911.