Cocaine Rehab Center in Minnesota

Cocaine is one of the most difficult addictions to break because it synthesizes happiness. It is natural and healthy to seek happiness, but normally this results in doing things like going to the beach or listening to good music. Most people have a few favorite things that make them especially happy like roller coasters or mystery novels and they seek out frequent opportunities to enjoy them. Unfortunately, cocaine has been chemically designed to become everyone’s new favorite thing, thus hooking directly into your natural desire to pursue happiness. This makes it very addictive and challenging to leave behind. Most people recovering from cocaine must seek out a supportive community and a completely sober lifestyle in order to stay safe from the addiction.

Emotional Addiction

While cocaine withdrawal does not make you physically ill, you will experience significant emotional backlash when you stop taking it. Unlike opiates, what your body is addicted to is a flood of happy and extra energetic feelings and removing that causes many of the same emotional symptoms as extreme disappointment. Mood swings, low or variable energy, crankiness, and depression are all common side effects from quitting. The emotional addiction itself will cause you to crave cocaine every time you want to be happy because your brain doesn’t know the difference between harmful short-term synthetic happiness and long-term healthy satisfaction.

Breaking Away

The craving patterns of cocaine addiction make breaking away especially difficult. It is often necessary to make significant changes to your lifestyle, location, and social group in order to leave behind all of your old temptations to use it. Many people who have successfully recovered from cocaine have found that complete sobriety is the best way to keep the brain from remembering and craving cocaine at inopportune moments. Rebuilding your life and facing down an addiction are hard work that almost no one does alone. Most people seek out a cocaine rehab center in order to gain the benefit of medical advice, counseling, and a supportive recovery community.

Supportive Community

The best thing you can do to help yourself and your loved ones move forward is to join a supportive community. Whether you join a 12 step program or seek more personalized counseling, the encouragement, advice, and friendship offered by a recovery community can help you to maintain sobriety and seek support when a craving strikes. This is an important resource for anyone recovering from an addiction, even habitual ones like gambling. Having others who understand the struggle to stay sober and resist returning to an old addiction builds your resolve through camaraderie and gives you a perspective on how others handle the challenges of recovery.

Choosing A Rehab Center in Minnesota

The community and rehabilitation program you join makes a huge difference in your recovery experience. The important thing is to find a group you feel welcome in and a program you can rely on when it matters most. There are dozens of cocaine rehab centers available in Minnesota alone, giving you a wide variety of services and groups to choose from. One of your best options in the Minneapolis area is Club Recovery, an outpatient center that offers a personalized combination of group therapy and private counseling. In order to enhance the benefits of outpatient rehabilitation, our counselors are available days, nights, and weekends so that recovery can happen without interfering with your normal work or family schedule.

Your life doesn’t have to be about cocaine, and seeking a welcoming local rehab center is a powerful first step toward recovery. With solid personalized counseling and a supportive sober community, you can soon be back on your feet and ready to take on life’s challenges on your own. For more information about cocaine rehab centers in Minnesota or to schedule a consultation with Club Recovery, contact us today! We’ll schedule your assessment within 24 hours so you can start your recovery as soon as possible.

Disclaimer: All content on this website is for informational purposes only. It does not substitute for clinical treatment or advice. If you, a friend, or a family member is struggling with mental health and/or addiction issues please call our main office at 952-926-2526. For emergencies, go to your nearest emergency room and/or dial 911.