Minneapolis Outpatient Addiction Treatment

When you are addicted to something, it is an incredibly personal problem. Your cravings, your willpower, and your daily struggle to reconcile the addiction with your responsibilities. While movies and television may suggest that recovery requires staying in a sleep-away rehab center, many people don’t have the luxury to take a break from their jobs and families for weeks or months at a time. Fortunately, there are many ways to recover from addiction and outpatient treatment is the best way to rebuild your life without abandoning your responsibilities.

What is Outpatient Treatment?

There are two primary forms of treatment for addiction recovery: inpatient and outpatient. For those whose lives have stopped being about anything but the addiction, they may need to rebuild from scratch and an inpatient center may be the best way to get sober and ready to start that process. Outpatient treatment, on the other hand, is for people who want to maintain their current job, life, and personal connections without the burdens of addiction. This is an especially important option for people with jobs they can’t lose, children they must care for, and supportive family members who will help maintain an addiction-free home environment. When you enter outpatient treatment, you can still live in your home, go to work, and take care of your family, but you also attend frequent counseling, coaching and group therapy sessions that will help you get control of your life and your addiction by providing solid advice, moral support, and a community of people who are also committed to recovery.

What Is the Treatment Like?

When you choose an outpatient center, you are also choosing the style of your treatment. While people have gained sobriety through 12 step programs, many would prefer a more personalized approach that takes into account their personal situation, psycho-social struggles, and faith as they practice it. At Club Recovery in Minneapolis, our programs are put together by seasoned addiction counselors with years of experience helping thousands of people successfully manage their addiction. Our method involves a combination of personalized one-on-one therapy with your counselor, family sessions, and therapy groups who get together regularly to share their struggles and offer support. When joining a recovery group, you have the freedom to choose to only meet with those of your own gender or join a mixed group, based on what you’re most comfortable with.

Rebuilding Your Life with Outpatient Addiction Treatment

The great thing about outpatient treatment is that you can rebuild your life without leaving home for more than a few hours a week. Family sessions will help you and your family learn how to make a clean, addiction free home environment, and how to manage your relaxation time in a way that actually helps you relax instead of exacerbating the harmful addiction process. We make sure that our therapy groups and counselors are available during ‘off work hours’, on evenings and weekends so that treatment creates the smallest possible impact on your daily responsibilities. This allows you to recover in private, without alerting your co-workers and acquaintances to something that never needs to be their business. Even on bad days where recovery is the hardest, our counselors are on-call to help you through it and keep you on the path to a happier, healthier life.

Recovering from your addiction doesn’t have to change anything about your life except what you want it to. Many people who suffer from addiction have stable homes, loving families, and valuable jobs, and their lives would be wonderful except for the burden of the addiction itself. If you live in the Minneapolis area, Club Recovery is here to help you lift that burden without taking you away from your family and your work with our personal and proven outpatient addict treatment program. If you are ready to start your recovery, give us a call at (952) 926-2526 or contact us online. We promise to have your opening assessment scheduled within 24 hours.

Disclaimer: All content on this website is for informational purposes only. It does not substitute for clinical treatment or advice. If you, a friend, or a family member is struggling with mental health and/or addiction issues please call our main office at 952-926-2526. For emergencies, go to your nearest emergency room and/or dial 911.